It had a name.


Done. Finished my dress for screenprinting. eesh, cutting it a bit close, though. Normally, pockets are what get me excited about any dress, however, this time the bow wins.

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Not as frivolous as the pet rock, but better.

This is a gift card holder/ folded poster idea with type ideas (Still working it. May choose ROCKkwell for obvious reasons. HA!) and front and back designs.

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new york for the week-end. some photos from time passed in the New Museum. (Not art)

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Happy October! I have letters to mail. In need of proper postage.

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10,000 hours

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Dalí Wine for Package Design

Edit: I’m putting better quality photos up up up.

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Kurt Vonnegut book set. Everyone’s gotta have a red&white&black piece in his/her portfolio I suppose. I finished early, so I’m going to go to my bed.

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These bangs are so DIFFICULT to grow out. They’ll fall to the floor tonight.

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I JUST DID THIS AND AM INCREDIBLY CHUFFED (even though it’s got some problems– but I know you don’t see them and I am drinking pepsi right now. WHAT?) I love my major.

Edit: I realize I am such a fool for cardboard. It’s my faves.

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she wants colour

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